City of Pittsburg, CA
Pittsburg has been a City that consistently progresses and has been for nearly a century and a half. It is located at the point where the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers meet. Pittsburg is a City of both progress and promise.
City of Pittsburg population is that of 88,000. Beautiful Pittsburg has a number of beautiful residential communities along the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. It is a place where one is able to see people sitting in their backyards and enjoying the tranquil waters of the two rivers. Though as beautiful as it is, single-family homes cost about one-third the price of homes in the Bay Area. Its population consists of a multicultural community full of many talents including artists, sports athletes, and many highly educated individuals to mention just a few.
For Pittsburg $60,000 is about the Mean household income. The employment base is of retail, service industry, and manufacturing jobs. Not a surprise since the overhead costs to situate a business is much less than other surrounding cities. Thirty-Seven (37) years old is the Median years old, and about 74% of families with children.
The city of Pittsburg real estate market consists of about 18,000 single family homes, town homes, and condos. Many homes are priced at an affordable amount that many can afford especially in today’s economic challenge.
Recreational opportunities are outstanding! The waterfront along the delta is a sportsman’s dreams for both water sports and fishing. Pittsburg has an ever famous Seafood Festival that attracts many people from surrounding cities and is situated right at the waterfront so everyone can enjoy. The City also provides a farmers market, a car show and many other entertainment events. Pete Escovedo, the famous talented jazz musician, lived in Pittsburg when he was young and enjoys every now and then performing in the city he is very fond of today.
Pittsburg has the best of both worlds. It is within close proximity to world famous scenic attractions including the California Coast, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite National Park. Pittsburg has a close community and consistently provides Bus Trips to the very popular Lake Tahoe and Reno as well as many of our popular Native American Casinos. Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce also provides Group Trips to various oversea vacations, for example Italy, cruise vacations, etc.
Dedicated Citizens consistently involve themselves to the dreams they have to giving this City “a gem in the rough” that Pittsburg truly deserves. Pittsburg is riding forward into the future, each day more significantly successful than the one before. New homes, renovated older homes, new businesses, a historic district being revived are all signs of even better times to come. Additionally, Pittsburg's local government has expanded the parks system, improved the roads, increased commerce and employment, expanded the Marina and built a modern Civic Center to take it into the next century. The Creative Arts Building, a place that conducts many Plays, Musical Events, seats at least 2,000 people, and is a building citizens are proud to call their own.
Anthony F. Davi
New Decade Realty
158 E 3rd Street
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: 925-432-6209
Fax: 925-281-4998